Year Title Funding
2025–2027 Standardization of Modern Latvian Pronunciation Latvian Council of Science
2024–2024 Latvian speech recognition system for the social services domain to ensure the service quality and accessibility EU Recovery and Resilience Facility
2024–2026 Common Writing Errors in Latvian: Corpus-Driven Error Analysis and Text Correction (Norma) Latvian Council of Science
2023–2026 Advancing Latvian computational lexical resources for natural language understanding and generation Latvian Council of Science
2023–2026 Language Technology Initiative EU Recovery and Resilience Facility
2023–2024 Smart Materials, Photonics, Technologies and Engineering Ecosystem State Research Programme
2022–2025 Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia (DHELI) State Research Programme
2022–2024 Research on Modern Latvian Language and Development of Language Technology (LATE) State Research Programme
2021–2023 SELMA – Stream Learning for Multilingual Knowledge Transfer European Union
2021–2023 Automated Wireless Security Analysis of Wearable Devices (WearSec) Latvian Council of Science
2021–2022 European Language Equality (ELE) European Union
2020–2022 Digital Resources for Humanities: Integration and Development State Research Programme
2020–2022 Latvian WordNet and Word Sense Disambiguation Latvian Council of Science
2019–2022 Enlargement and Development of the Latvian National Text Corpus Latvian Language Agency
2019–2022 Latvian Speech Recognition and Synthesis for Medical Applications (RUTA:MED) European Regional Development Fund
2018–2022 CLARIN Latvia: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure European Regional Development Fund
2018–2021 Development of Learner Corpus of Latvian: Methods, Tools and Applications (LaVA) Latvian Council of Science
2018–2021 Latvian Language State Research Programme
2017–2021 From Abstract Meaning Representation to Natural Language Sentences and Coherent Text Generation European Regional Development Fund
2019–2020 Platform for Semantically Structured Information Extraction from a Massive Latvian News Archive European Regional Development Fund
2018–2020 Latvian Language Understanding and Generation in Human-Computer Interaction Latvian Council of Science
2018–2019 Development of a Virtual Assistant for LMT Latvijas Mobilais telefons, LLC
2016–2019 Full Stack of Language Resources for Natural Language Understanding and Generation in Latvian (FullStack-LV) European Regional Development Fund
2015–2017 Latvian Language in Monolingual and Bilingual Acquisition: Tools, Theories and Applications (LAMBA) Norwegian Financial Mechanism
2014–2016 Corpus-Based Electronic Historical Latvian Dictionary Latvian Council of Science
2014–2015 Identification of Relations in News-Wire Texts, and Graph Visualization of the Extracted Relation Database European Regional Development Fund
2014–2014 Exploring the Potential of Automatic Information Extraction for Latvian Media Monitoring European Regional Development Fund
2013–2013 Development of a Latvian Speech Corpus: Principles, Methods, Implementation European Regional Development Fund
2013–2013 Exploring the Potential of Automatic Information Extraction for Latvian Media Monitoring European Regional Development Fund
2011–2013 Semantic Database Platform for Domain Experts (SemDB) European Regional Development Fund
2011–2012 Development of a Research Infrastructure for Education in the Humanities in Eastern Latvia, Lithuania (HipiLatLit) European Regional Development Fund
2010–2013 New Information Technologies Based on Ontologies and Model Transformations State Research Programme
2005–2009 Research and Development of the Semantic Web Technologies for Latvia (SemTi-Kamols) State Research Programme