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Normunds Grūzītis
Dr. sc. comp., lead researcher, head of laboratory, assoc. professor at University of Latvia
Guntis Bārzdiņš
Dr. sc. comp., lead researcher, professor at University of Latvia, full member of Latvian Academy of Sciences
Inguna Skadiņa
Dr. sc. comp., lead researcher, professor at University of Latvia, corresp. member of Latvian Academy of Sciences
Ilze Auziņa
Dr. philol., lead researcher, corresp. member of Latvian Academy of Sciences
Pēteris Paikens
Dr. sc. comp., lead researcher, assoc. professor at University of Latvia
Andrejs Spektors
Dr. phys., lead researcher
Baiba Valkovska (Saulīte)
Dr. philol., lead researcher
Ilze Lokmane
Dr. philol., lead system analyst, professor at University of Latvia
Lauma Pretkalniņa
Dr. sc. comp., researcher
Kristīne Levāne-Petrova
PhD, researcher
Artūrs Znotiņš
Mg. sc. comp., researcher
Roberts Darģis
Mg. sc. comp., researcher
Laura Rituma
Mg. philol., researcher
Gunta Nešpore-Bērzkalne
Mg. philol., researcher
Mikus Grasmanis
Mg. sc. comp., researcher
Everita Andronova
Mg. philol., researcher
Ilze Ziņģe (Sperga)
Dr. philol., researcher
Didzis Goško
Mg. phys., researcher
Ilmārs Poikāns
Mg. sc. comp., researcher
Guna Rābante-Buša
Mg. philol., research assistant
Viesturs Jūlijs Lasmanis
Mg. sc. comp., research assistant
Kristīne Pokratniece
Mg. philol., research assistant
Agute Klints
Mg. philol., research assistant
Madara Stāde
Mg. philol., Mg. translat., research assistant