P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, and L. Rituma. A Computational Model of Latvian Morphology. Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), ELRA and ICCL, pages 221, May 2024. P. Paikens, A. Klints, I. Lokmane, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and L. Strankale. Latvian WordNet. Proceedings of the 12th Global Wordnet Conference, Global Wordnet Association, pages 187-196, October 2023. I. Lokmane, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and A. Klints. Paradigmatiskās semantiskās attieksmes „Latviešu valodas leksiskajā tīklā” („Latvian WordNet”). Linguistica Lettica, LU Latviešu valodas institūts, volume 31, issue 1, pages 126-149, 2023. L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, B. Saulite, and L. Pretkalnina. Vārdkopas analogi „Latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētajā korpusā”. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, issue 14, pages 156-173, 2023. M. Grasmanis, P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, L. Strankale, A. Znotins, and N. Gruzitis. Tēzaurs.lv – the experience of building a multifunctional lexical resource. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2023): Invisible Lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2023 conference, Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., pages 400-418, 2023. P. Paikens, L. Rituma, and L. Pretkalnina. Towards Word Sense Disambiguation for Latvian. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 10, issue 3, pages 402-408, 2022. B. Saulite, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, L. Rituma, V. Lasmanis, and N. Gruzitis. Latviešu valodas FrameNet korpuss. Letonica, issue 47, pages 284-296, 2022. B. Saulite, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, P. Paikens, A. Znotins, L. Strankale, K. Pokratniece, I. Poikans, G. Barzdins, I. Skadina, A. Baklane, V. Saulespurens, and J. Ziedins. Latvian National Corpora Collection – Korpuss.lv. Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 5123-5129, 2022. P. Paikens, M. Grasmanis, A. Klints, I. Lokmane, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and L. Strankale. Towards Latvian WordNet. Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 2808-2815, 2022. I. Lokmane and L. Rituma. Verba nozīmju nošķiršana: teorija un prakse. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 12, pages 142-162, 2021. I. Lokmane, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and A. Klints. The Latvian WordNet and Word Sense Disambiguation: Challenges and Findings. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography (eLex), pages 232-246, 2021. N. Gruzitis, R. Dargis, L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and B. Saulite. Deriving a PropBank Corpus from Parallel FrameNet and UD Corpora. Proceedings of the International FrameNet Workshop 2020: Towards a Global, Multilingual FrameNet, pages 63-69, 2020. L. Rituma, B. Saulite, and G. Nespore-Berzkalne. Latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētā korpusa gramatikas modelis. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 10, pages 200-216, 2019. P. Paikens, N. Gruzitis, L. Rituma, G. Nespore, V. Lipskis, L. Pretkalnina, and A. Spektors. Enriching an Explanatory Dictionary with FrameNet and PropBank Corpus Examples. Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography (eLex), pages 922-933, 2019. L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Deriving Enhanced Universal Dependencies from a Hybrid Dependency-Constituency Treebank. Text, Speech, and Dialogue, Springer, volume 11107, pages 95-105, 2018. N. Gruzitis, L. Pretkalnina, B. Saulite, L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, A. Znotins, and P. Paikens. Creation of a Balanced State-of-the-Art Multilayer Corpus for NLU. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pages 4506-4513, 2018. A. Spektors, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Tezaurs.lv: the largest open lexical database for Latvian. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Universal Dependency treebank for Latvian: A pilot. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. L. Pretkalnina, A. Znotins, L. Rituma, and D. Gosko. Dependency parsing representation effects on the accuracy of semantic applications - an example of an inflective language. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. G. Barzdins, D. Gosko, L. Rituma, and P. Paikens. Using C5.0 and exhaustive search for boosting frame-semantic parsing accuracy. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. L. Rituma. Salīdzināto reāliju līdzība vai atšķirība kā salīdzinājuma konstrukcijas nozīmes pamats. Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, volume 1, issue 18, pages 223-234, 2014. L. Pretkalnina and L. Rituma. Constructions in Latvian Treebank: the impact of annotation decisions on the dependency parsing performance. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. L. Pretkalnina and L. Rituma. Statistical syntactic parsing for Latvian. Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2013. P. Paikens, L. Rituma, and L. Pretkalnina. Morphological analysis with limited resources: Latvian example. Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2013. L. Rituma. Salīdzinājuma konstrukcijas daudzuma izteikšanai ar adverbiem "vairāk" un "mazāk". Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, volume 1, issue 17, pages 196-205, 2013. L. Pretkalnina, P. Paikens, N. Gruzitis, L. Rituma, and A. Spektors. Making historical Latvian texts more intelligible to contemporary readers. Proceedings of the LREC Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and Tools for Processing Cultural Heritage Objects, pages 29-35, 2012. L. Pretkalnina and L. Rituma. Syntactic issues identified developing the Latvian treebank. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012.