R. Dargis, A. Znotins, I. Auzina, B. Saulite, S. Reinsone, R. Dejus, A. Klavinska, and N. Gruzitis. BalsuTalka.lv – Boosting the Common Voice Corpus for Low-Resource Languages. Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), ELRA and ICCL, pages 2080, May 2024. B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and R. Dargis. Nacionālā korpusu kolekcija Korpuss.lv. Linguistica Lettica, LU Latviešu valodas institūts, volume 31, issue 1, pages 202-223, 2023. L. Lauze and I. Auzina. Korpusu un individuālā vākuma salīdzinājums: ģenitīva un nominatīva konkurence saistījumā ar adverbu. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 12, pages 111-125, 2023. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, B. Valkovska, and N. Gruzitis. Language Report Latvian. European Language Equality, Springer Cham, pages 171-174, 2023. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, E. Lasmanis, and A. Voitkans. CLARIN-LV: Many Steps till Operation. CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings, pages 9-13, 2022. I. Skadina, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, A. Vasiljevs, R. Skadins, and M. Pinnis. Latvian Language in the Digital Age: The Main Achievements in the Last Decade. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 10, issue 3, pages 490-503, 2022. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, and K. Pokratniece. Corpus Based Self-Assessment Platform for Latvian Language Learners. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 10, issue 3, pages 392-401, 2022. I. Auzina, R. Dargis, B. Saulite, N. Gruzitis, M. Grasmanis, A. Spektors, and K. Stepanovs. Specializēta latviešu valodas runas korpusa un izrunas vārdnīcas izveide vizuālās diagnostikas izmeklējumu lingvistiskai analīzei un sistemātiskai transkribēšanai. Letonica, issue 47, pages 244-262, 2022. I. Auzina, R. Dargis, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, and K. Pokratniece. Valodas korpusu izmantošana latviešu valodas uzdevumu automātiskā ģenerēšanā. Letonica, issue 47, pages 264-282, 2022. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, and A. Voitkans. CLARIN valodas resursu un rīku pētniecības infrastruktūra humanitārajām un sociālajām zinātnēm. Letonica, issue 47, pages 312-327, 2022. B. Saulite, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, P. Paikens, A. Znotins, L. Strankale, K. Pokratniece, I. Poikans, G. Barzdins, I. Skadina, A. Baklane, V. Saulespurens, and J. Ziedins. Latvian National Corpora Collection – Korpuss.lv. Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 5123-5129, 2022. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, and K. Pokratniece. LaVA – Latvian Language Learner corpus. Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 727-731, 2022. I. Auzina, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, K. Pokratniece, and R. Dargis. Latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusa (LaVA) izmantošana pētniecībā un mācību uzdevumu izstrādē. Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress, LiePA, pages 142-161, 2021. I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, and G. Barzdins. Research and Innovation in Language Technology at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The Latvian Academy of Sciences Yearbook, Zinātne, pages 81-83, 2021. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, and I. Kaija. Detailed Error Annotation for Morphologically Rich Languages: Latvian Use Case. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 241-244, 2020. R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, and K. Stepanovs. Creation of Language Resources for the Development of a Medical Speech Recognition System for Latvian. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 135-141, 2020. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, and A. Znotins. Clarin in Latvia: From the preparatory phase to the construction phase and operation. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN), pages 342-350, 2020. K. Levane-Petrova, I. Auzina, and K. Pokratniece. Latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusa datu ieguves un apstrādes metodoloģijas izstrāde. Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva, LiePA, volume 16, pages 299-309, 2020. I. Kaija and I. Auzina. Data collection for learner corpus of Latvian: copyright and personal data protection. Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, pages 41-47, 2020. I. Auzina, I. Kaija, and K. Levane-Petrova. Mērķhipotēžu izvirzīšana latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusā. Valoda: nozīme un forma, Latvijas Universitāte, volume 11, pages 7-26, 2020. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, and I. Kaija. Quality Focused Approach to a Learner Corpus Development. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 392-396, 2020. R. Dargis, P. Paikens, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, and A. Akmane. Development and Evaluation of Speech Synthesis Corpora for Latvian. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 6633-6637, 2020. I. Auzina, R. Dargis, and K. Levane-Petrova. Latviešu valodas apguvēju kļūdu analīze: pareizrakstības kļūdas. Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, issue 23, pages 220-227, 2019. I. Auzina, G. Klava, A. Lazareva, K. Levane-Petrova, B. Murniece-Buleva, S. Pavulena, and A. Semjonova. Latviešu valodas prasmes kvalitāte: valsts valodas prasmes pārbaudes kārtotāju rezultāti. Latviešu valodas aģentūra, 2019. R. Dargis and I. Auzina. Towards a Modern Text-to-Speech System for Latvian. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 307, pages 26-29, 2018. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, U. Bojars, P. Paikens, and A. Znotins. Annotation of the Corpus of the Saeima with Multilingual Standards. Proceedings of the 2018 ParlaCLARIN Workshop, 2018. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. The Use of Text Alignment in Semi-Automatic Error Analysis: Use Case in the Development of the Corpus of the Latvian Language Learners. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pages 4111-4115, 2018. I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, and B. Saulite. Local meaning in the two-year-old and three-year-old children's speech. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 8, 2017. B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Teikuma priekšmeta, izteicēja un papildinātāja novietojums teikumā un teikuma intonācija latviešu valodā. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 7, 2016. M. Pinnis, A. Salimbajevs, and I. Auzina. Designing a speech corpus for the development and evaluation of dictation systems in Latvian. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. A. Spektors, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Tezaurs.lv: the largest open lexical database for Latvian. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, D. Deksne, R. Skadins, A. Vasiljevs, M. Gailuna, and I. Portnaja. Filling the gaps in Latvian BLARK: Case of the Latvian IT Competence Centre. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, G. Rabante-Busa, R. Dargis, and A. Fabregas. Designing an annotated longitudinal Latvian children's speech corpus. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. R. Dargis, G. Rabante-Busa, I. Auzina, and S. Kruks. ParliSearch - A system for large text corpus discourse analysis. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. I. Auzina and G. Rabante-Busa. Qualitative and quantitative vowel reduction and deletion in the spoken Latvian. Linguistica Lettica, University of Latvia, volume 22, 2014. M. Pinnis, I. Auzina, and K. Goba. Designing the Latvian speech recognition corpus. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. B. Saulite, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and I. Auzina. Latviešu valodas verbu valences marķēšanā izmantojamās semantiskās lomas. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, issue 4, pages 136-145, 2014. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, G. Barzdins, R. Skadins, and A. Vasiljevs. Language resources and technology in Latvia (2010-2014). Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. I. Auzina, M. Pinnis, and R. Dargis. Comparison of rule-based and statistical methods for grapheme to phoneme modelling. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. I. Auzina, I. Brenke, J. Grigorjevs, I. Indricane, B. Ivulane, A. Kalnaca, L. Lauze, I. Lokmane, D. Markus, D. Nitina, G. Smiltniece, B. Valkovska, and A. Vulane. Latviešu valodas gramatika. LU Latviešu valodas institūts, 2013. P. Paikens, I. Auzina, G. Garkaje, and M. Paegle. Towards named entity annotation of Latvian National Library corpus. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012. I. Auzina. Towards spoken Latvian corpus: current situation, methodology and development. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. M. Pinnis and I. Auzina. Latvian text-to-speech synthesizer. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, K. Levane-Petrova, G. Nespore, R. Skadins, and A. Vasiljevs. Language resources and technology for the humanities in Latvia (2004-2010). Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Multidimensional ontologies: integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics. Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX International Congress, 2008. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Ontological word sense disambiguation for discourse representation. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Baltic HLT), 2007. I. Auzina. Latvian Text-to-Speech System. Proceedings of the first Baltic conference ‘Human Language Technologies—the Baltic Perspective, pages 21--26, 2004.