R. Dargis, G. Barzdins, I. Skadina, N. Gruzitis, and B. Saulite. Evaluating Open-Source LLMs in Low-Resource Languages: Insights from Latvian High School Exams. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities, Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 289-293, November 2024. P. Barzdins, I. Pretkalnins, and G. Barzdins. From Captions to Pixels: Open-Set Semantic Segmentation without Masks. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 12, issue 1, pages 97-109, 2024. E. Mukans and G. Barzdins. RIGA at SMM4H-2024 Task 1: Enhancing ADE discovery with GPT-4. 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications Workshop and Shared Tasks (SMM4H), ACL, pages 23-27, 2024. K. Freivalds, E. Ozolins, and G. Barzdins. Discrete Denoising Diffusion Approach to Integer Factorization. Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning (ICANN), Springer, volume 14254, pages 123-134, 2023. E. Mukans and G. Barzdins. RIGA at SemEval-2023 Task 2: NER Enhanced with GPT-3. 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), ACL, pages 331-339, 2023. E. Mukans, G. Strazds, and G. Barzdins. RIGA at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Scaling Recurrent Neural Networks for CODWOE Dictionary Modeling. 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), ACL, pages 82-87, July 2022. A. Znotins, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, G. Barzdins, and D. Gosko. RUTA:MED – Dual Workflow Medical Speech Transcription Pipeline and Editor. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Springer, volume 13286, pages 209-214, June 2022. G. Barzdins, S. Miranda, and D. Gosko. D4.3 Intermediate platform with continuous massive stream learning NLP capabilities. SELMA Consortium, 2022. B. Saulite, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, P. Paikens, A. Znotins, L. Strankale, K. Pokratniece, I. Poikans, G. Barzdins, I. Skadina, A. Baklane, V. Saulespurens, and J. Ziedins. Latvian National Corpora Collection – Korpuss.lv. 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 5123-5129, 2022. I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, and G. Barzdins. Research and Innovation in Language Technology at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The Latvian Academy of Sciences Yearbook, Zinātne, pages 81-83, 2021. A. Znotins and G. Barzdins. LVBERT: Transformer-Based Model for Latvian Language Understanding. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 111-115, 2020. G. Barzdins, D. Gosko, K. Cerans, O. F. Barzdins, A. Znotins, P. F. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, M. Grasmanis, J. Barzdins, U. Lavrinovics, S. K. Mayer, I. Students, E. Celms, A. Sprogis, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and P. Paikens. Pini Language and PiniTree Ontology Editor: Annotation and Verbalisation for Atomised Journalism. Proceedings of the 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC): Posters and Demos, 2020. P. Paikens, A. Znotins, and G. Barzdins. Human-in-the-Loop Conversation Agent for Customer Service. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Springer, volume 12089, pages 277-284, 2020. G. Barzdins, D. Gosko, P. F. Barzdins, U. Lavrinovics, G. Bernans, and E. Celms. RDF* Graph Database as Interlingua for the TextWorld Challenge. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 2019. S. Miranda, A. Znotins, S. B. Cohen, and G. Barzdins. Multilingual Clustering of Streaming News. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 4535-4544, 2018. G. Barzdins, R. Liepins, P. F. Barzdins, and D. Gosko. dBaby: Grounded Language Teaching through Games and Efficient Reinforcement Learning. NIPS 2017 Workshop on Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL), 2017. P. Paikens, G. Barzdins, A. Mendes, D. Ferreira, S. Broscheit, M. S. C. Almeida, S. Miranda, D. Nogueira, P. Balage, and A. F. T. Martins. SUMMA at TAC Knowledge Base Population Task 2016. Proceedings of the 9th Text Analysis Conference (TAC), 2017. N. Gruzitis, D. Gosko, and G. Barzdins. RIGOTRIO at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Combining machine learning and grammar engineering for AMR parsing and generation. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), 2017. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. FrameNet development for Latvian. Book of Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Construction Grammar. International FrameNet Workshop (IFNW), 2016. G. Barzdins, S. Renals, and D. Gosko. Character-level neural translation for multilingual media monitoring in the SUMMA project. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. The role of CNL and AMR in scalable abstractive summarization for multilingual media monitoring. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 9767, 2016. G. Barzdins and D. Gosko. RIGA at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Impact of Smatch extensions and character-level neural translation on AMR parsing accuracy. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), 2016. K. Cerans, R. Liepins, A. Sprogis, J. Ovcinnikova, and G. Barzdins. Domain-specific OWL ontology visualization with OWLGrEd. The Semantic Web: ESWC 2012 Satellite Events, Springer, volume 7540, 2015. G. Barzdins, P. Paikens, and D. Gosko. Riga: from FrameNet to semantic frames with C6.0 rules. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), 2015. N. Gruzitis, K. Cerans, R. Liepins, and G. Barzdins. Device and method for defining the lexical form and the syntactic valence of object type properties in the Web Ontology Language. 2015. G. Barzdins and A. Heidens. Method and device for reducing of data transmission volume via routined communication network by tunneling data packets of private network. 2014. K. Cerans, G. Barzdins, G. Bumans, J. Ovcinnikova, S. Rikacovs, A. Romane, and M. Zviedris. A relational database semantic re-engineering technology and tools. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 2, issue 3, 2014. M. Zviedris, A. Romane, G. Barzdins, and K. Cerans. Ontology-based information system. Semantic Technology, Springer, volume 8388, 2014. I. Opmane, L. Truksans, G. Barzdins, A. Heidens, R. Balodis, and P. Merzlyakov. ZERO: an efficient Ethernet-over-IP tunneling protocol. Inter-cooperative Collective Intelligence: Techniques and Applications, Springer, volume 495, 2014. G. Barzdins. FrameNet CNL: a knowledge representation and information extraction language. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 8625, 2014. G. Barzdins, D. Gosko, L. Rituma, and P. Paikens. Using C5.0 and exhaustive search for boosting frame-semantic parsing accuracy. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, G. Barzdins, R. Skadins, and A. Vasiljevs. Language resources and technology in Latvia (2010-2014). Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. D. Gosko and G. Barzdins. Adding Constructicon to the Latvian FrameNet. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. J. Klabacka and G. Barzdins. Method and apparatus for reducing receiver identification overhead in IP broadcast networks. 2012. K. Cerans, G. Barzdins, R. Liepins, J. Ovcinnikova, S. Rikacovs, and A. Sprogis. Graphical schema editing for StarDog OWL/RDF databases using OWLGrEd/S. Proceedings of the Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), 2012. N. Gruzitis, P. Paikens, and G. Barzdins. FrameNet resource grammar library for GF. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 7427, 2012. L. Truksans, E. Znots, and G. Barzdins. File Transfer Protocol performance study for EUMETSAT meteorological data distribution. Acta Universitatis Latviensis: Computer Science and Information Technologies, University of Latvia, volume 770, 2011. M. Zviedris and G. Barzdins. ViziQuer: a tool to explore and query SPARQL endpoints. The Semanic Web: Research and Applications, Springer, volume 6644, 2011. G. Barzdins. When FrameNet meets a controlled natural language. Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2011. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. Towards a more natural multilingual controlled language interface to OWL. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS), 2011. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, K. Cerans, R. Liepins, and A. Sprogis. OWLGrEd: a UML style graphical editor for OWL. Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology Repositories and Editors for the Semantic Web, 2010. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, K. Cerans, R. Liepins, and A. Sprogis. OWLGrEd: a UML style graphical notation and editor for OWL 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), 2010. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, K. Cerans, R. Liepins, and A. Sprogis. UML style graphical notation and editor for OWL 2. Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, Springer, volume 64, 2010. A. Wyner, K. Angelov, G. Barzdins, D. Damljanovic, B. Davis, N. Fuchs, S. Hoefler, K. Jones, K. Kaljurand, T. Kuhn, M. Luts, J. Pool, M. Rosner, R. Schwitter, and J. Sowa. On controlled natural languages: properties and prospects. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 5972, 2010. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. Polysemy in controlled natural language texts. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 5972, 2010. G. Nespore, B. Saulite, G. Barzdins, and N. Gruzitis. Comparison of the SemTi-Kamols and Tesniere's dependency grammars. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. G. Barzdins, S. Rikacovs, M. Veilande, and M. Zviedris. Ontological re-engineering of medical databases. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences, volume 63, issue 45, 2009. G. Barzdins, S. Rikacovs, and M. Zviedris. Graphical query language as SPARQL frontend. Proceedings of the 13th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), 2009. G. Barzdins, E. Liepins, M. Veilande, and M. Zviedris. Ontology enabled graphical database query tool for end-users. Databases and Information Systems V, IOS Press, volume 187, 2009. G. Barzdins, J. Barzdins, and K. Cerans. From Databases to Ontologies. Database Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, 2009. G. Barzdins, J. Barzdins, and K. Cerans. From Databases to Ontologies. Semantic Web Engineering in the Knowledge Society, IGI Global, 2009. G. Barzdins, E. Liepins, M. Veilande, and M. Zviedris. Semantic Latvia approach in the medical domain. Proceedings of the 8th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS), 2008. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Multidimensional ontologies: integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics. Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX International Congress, 2008. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Ontological word sense disambiguation for discourse representation. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Baltic HLT), 2007. M. Barinskis and G. Barzdins. Satisfiability model visualization plugin for deep consistency checking of OWL ontologies. Proceedings of the Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), 2007. G. Barzdins and M. Barinskis. The minimal finite model visualization as an ontology debugging tool. Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL), 2007. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, and B. Saulite. Dependency-based hybrid model of syntactic analysis for the languages with a rather free word order. Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2007. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, R. Balodis, K. Cerans, A. Kalnins, M. Opmanis, and K. Podnieks. Towards semantic Latvia. Communications of the 7th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS), 2006. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, and R. Kudins. Re-engineering OntoSem ontology towards OWL DL compliance. Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, IOS Press, volume 140, 2006.