R. Dargis, A. Znotins, I. Auzina, B. Saulite, S. Reinsone, R. Dejus, A. Klavinska, and N. Gruzitis. BalsuTalka.lv – Boosting the Common Voice Corpus for Low-Resource Languages. Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING), pages 2080, May 2024. B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and R. Dargis. Nacionālā korpusu kolekcija Korpuss.lv. Linguistica Lettica, LU Latviešu valodas institūts, volume 31, issue 1, pages 202-223, 2023. L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, B. Saulite, and L. Pretkalnina. Vārdkopas analogi "Latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētajā korpusā". Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 14, pages 156-173, 2023. I. Skadina, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, A. Vasiljevs, R. Skadins, and M. Pinnis. Latvian Language in the Digital Age: The Main Achievements in the Last Decade. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 10, issue 3, pages 490-503, 2022. I. Auzina, R. Dargis, B. Saulite, N. Gruzitis, M. Grasmanis, A. Spektors, and K. Stepanovs. Specializēta latviešu valodas runas korpusa un izrunas vārdnīcas izveide vizuālās diagnostikas izmeklējumu lingvistiskai analīzei un sistemātiskai transkribēšanai. Letonica, volume 47, pages 244-262, 2022. B. Saulite, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, L. Rituma, V. Lasmanis, and N. Gruzitis. Latviešu valodas FrameNet korpuss. Letonica, volume 47, pages 284-296, 2022. B. Saulite, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, P. Paikens, A. Znotins, L. Strankale, K. Pokratniece, I. Poikans, G. Barzdins, I. Skadina, A. Baklane, V. Saulespurens, and J. Ziedins. Latvian National Corpora Collection – Korpuss.lv. 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 5123-5129, 2022. N. Gruzitis, R. Dargis, L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and B. Saulite. Deriving a PropBank Corpus from Parallel FrameNet and UD Corpora. Proceedings of the International FrameNet Workshop 2020: Towards a Global, Multilingual FrameNet, pages 63-69, 2020. L. Rituma, B. Saulite, and G. Nespore-Berzkalne. Latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētā korpusa gramatikas modelis. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 10, pages 200-216, 2019. G. Nespore-Berzkalne, B. Saulite, and N. Gruzitis. Latvian FrameNet: Cross-Lingual Issues. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 307, pages 96-103, 2018. L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Deriving Enhanced Universal Dependencies from a Hybrid Dependency-Constituency Treebank. Text, Speech, and Dialogue, Springer, volume 11107, pages 95-105, 2018. N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and B. Saulite. Creation of Latvian FrameNet based on Universal Dependencies. Proceedings of the International FrameNet Workshop (IFNW), pages 23-27, 2018. N. Gruzitis, L. Pretkalnina, B. Saulite, L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, A. Znotins, and P. Paikens. Creation of a Balanced State-of-the-Art Multilayer Corpus for NLU. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pages 4506-4513, 2018. I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, and B. Saulite. Local meaning in the two-year-old and three-year-old children's speech. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 8, 2017. B. Saulite. Determinants un situants latviešu valodā un to novietojums teikumā. RES LATVIENSES. IV. Semantika. Sintakse. Valodas kultūra. INTA FREIMANE. SCRIPTUM FESTIVUM, University of Latvia, pages 159-167, 2017. B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Teikuma priekšmeta, izteicēja un papildinātāja novietojums teikumā un teikuma intonācija latviešu valodā. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 7, 2016. A. Spektors, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Tezaurs.lv: the largest open lexical database for Latvian. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. B. Saulite. Vārdu secības komunikatīvais aspekts mūsdienu latviešu valodā. 2016. L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Universal Dependency treebank for Latvian: A pilot. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. B. Saulite, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and I. Auzina. Latviešu valodas verbu valences marķēšanā izmantojamās semantiskās lomas. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, issue 4, pages 136-145, 2014. G. Nespore-Berzkalne and B. Saulite. Latviešu valodas verbu valences marķēšana. University of Latvia, issue 3, pages 97-106, 2013. B. Saulite and G. Nespore. Patstāvīgās vārdšķiras formālā latviešu valodas analīzē. Baltistica, Vilnius University, volume 8, 2012. G. Nespore, B. Saulite, N. Gruzitis, and G. Garkaje. Towards a Latvian valency lexicon. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012. L. Pretkalnina, G. Nespore, K. Levane-Petrova, and B. Saulite. A Prague Markup Language profile for the SemTi-Kamols grammar model. Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2011. L. Pretkalnina, G. Nespore, K. Levane-Petrova, and B. Saulite. Towards a Latvian Treebank. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Linguistica de Corpus, 2011. G. Nespore, B. Saulite, G. Barzdins, and N. Gruzitis. Comparison of the SemTi-Kamols and Tesniere's dependency grammars. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, and B. Saulite. Verbalizing ontologies in controlled Baltic languages. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Multidimensional ontologies: integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics. Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX International Congress, 2008. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Ontological word sense disambiguation for discourse representation. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Baltic HLT), 2007. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, and B. Saulite. Dependency-based hybrid model of syntactic analysis for the languages with a rather free word order. Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2007.