A. Klints, M. Grasmanis, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, L. Pretkalnina, M. Stade, N. Gruzitis, I. Lokmane, P. Paikens, L. Rituma, and A. Spektors. Tēzaurs as a Digital Multifunctional Lexical Resource. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, University of Latvia, volume 12, issue 4, pages 513-525, 2024. A. Rusins, D. Tiscenko, E. Dobelis, E. Blumbergs, K. Nesenbergs, and P. Paikens. Wearable Device Bluetooth/BLE Physical Layer Dataset. Data, MDPI, volume 9, issue 4, pages 53, 2024. E. Andronova, A. Fridenberga, L. Pretkalnina, R. Silina-Pinke, E. Skruzmane, A. Trumpa, and P. Vanags. New Possibilities for Exploring Early Latvian Texts: Switching to the NoSketchEngine. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, University of Latvia, volume 12, issue 4, pages 548-559, 2024. I. Auzina and G. Rabante-Busa. Sarunvalodai tipiskie fonētiskie līdzekļi: runas korpusa datu analīze. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 15, pages 7-23, 2024. I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, R. Dargis, G. Rabante-Busa, D. Gosko, J. Vempers, R. Kivkucans, and A. Znotins. Recent Latvian Speech Corpora for Linguistic Research and Technology Development. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, University of Latvia, volume 12, issue 4, pages 646-658, 2024. L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, B. Saulite, and L. Pretkalnina. Salīdzinājuma konstrukcijas latviešu valodā. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 15, pages 172-197, 2024. P. Barzdins, I. Pretkalnins, and G. Barzdins. From Captions to Pixels: Open-Set Semantic Segmentation without Masks. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 12, issue 1, pages 97-109, 2024. R. Dargis and B. Saulite. Korpuss.lv – a Versatile Platform for Digital Humanities. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, University of Latvia, volume 12, issue 4, pages 636-645, 2024. T. Erjavec, M. Kopp, N. Ljubesic, T. Kuzman, P. Rayson, P. Osenova, M. Ogrodniczuk, C. Coltekin, D. Korzinek, K. Meden, J. Skubic, P. Rupnik, T. Agnoloni, J. Aires, S. Barkarson, R. Bartolini, N. Bel, M. C. Perez, R. Dargis, and e. al.. ParlaMint II: advancing comparable parliamentary corpora across Europe. Language Resources and Evaluation, 2024. L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, A. Klints, I. Lokmane, M. Stade, and P. Paikens. Classifying Multi-Word Expressions in the Latvian Monolingual Electronic Dictionary Tēzaurs.lv. 6th International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB), pages 113-118, 2024. P. Paikens and K. Nesenbergs. Resilience and Vulnerability of Consumer Wireless Devices to Cyber Attacks. 16th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Over the Horizon, pages 47-62, 2024. E. Mukans and G. Barzdins. RIGA at SMM4H-2024 Task 1: Enhancing ADE discovery with GPT-4. 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications Workshop and Shared Tasks (SMM4H), ACL, pages 23-27, 2024. I. Skadina, J. Kuzmina, S. Kruks, M. Platonova, T. Smirnova, and I. Auzina. Language Technology Initiative - Bridging the Gap between Research and Education. CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings, pages 26-30, October 2024. P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, and L. Rituma. A Computational Model of Latvian Morphology. Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING), pages 221, May 2024. R. Dargis, A. Znotins, I. Auzina, B. Saulite, S. Reinsone, R. Dejus, A. Klavinska, and N. Gruzitis. BalsuTalka.lv – Boosting the Common Voice Corpus for Low-Resource Languages. Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING), pages 2080, May 2024. R. Dargis, G. Barzdins, I. Skadina, N. Gruzitis, and B. Saulite. Evaluating Open-Source LLMs in Low-Resource Languages: Insights from Latvian High School Exams. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities, Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 289-293, November 2024. A. Branco, M. Eskevich, F. Frontini, J. Hajic, E. Hinrichs, F. de Jong, P. Kamocki, A. Konig, K. Linden, C. Navarretta, M. Piasecki, S. Piperidis, O. Pitkanen, K. Simov, I. Skadina, T. Trippel, A. Witt, and C. Zinn. The CLARIN Infrastructure as an Interoperable Language Technology Platform for SSH and Beyond. Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer, 2023. B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and R. Dargis. Nacionālā korpusu kolekcija Korpuss.lv. Linguistica Lettica, LU Latviešu valodas institūts, volume 31, issue 1, pages 202-223, 2023. I. Lokmane and B. Saulite. Infinitīva palīgteikumi un teikuma tipu robežgadījumi „Nacionālajā korpusu kolekcijā”. Linguistica Lettica, LU Latviešu valodas institūts, volume 32, pages 308-330, 2023. I. Lokmane, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and A. Klints. Paradigmatiskās semantiskās attieksmes "Latviešu valodas leksiskajā tīklā" ("Latvian WordNet"). Linguistica Lettica, LU Latviešu valodas institūts, volume 31, issue 1, pages 126-149, 2023. L. Lauze and I. Auzina. Korpusu un individuālā vākuma salīdzinājums: ģenitīva un nominatīva konkurence saistījumā ar adverbu. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 14, pages 111-125, 2023. L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, B. Saulite, and L. Pretkalnina. Vārdkopas analogi „Latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētajā korpusā”. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 14, pages 156-173, 2023. T. Erjavec, M. Ogrodniczuk, P. Osenova, N. Ljubesic, K. Simov, A. Pancur, M. Rudolf, M. Kopp, S. Barkarson, S. Steingrimsson, C. Coltekin, J. de Does, K. Depuydt, T. Agnoloni, G. Venturi, M. C. Perez, L. de Macedo, C. Navarretta, G. Luxardo, M. Coole, P. Rayson, V. Morkevicius, T. Krilavicius, R. Dargis, O. Ring, R. van Heusden, M. Marx, and D. Fiser. The ParlaMint corpora of parliamentary proceedings. Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer, volume 57, pages 415-448, 2023. A. Klints, M. Stade, L. Pretkalnina, and L. Rituma. Lingvistiskais eksperiments: marķētāju vienprātība latviešu valodas WordNet semantisko saišu veidošanā. Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, volume 27, pages 125-138, 2023. G. Rabante-Busa. Partikulas "kaut" izrunas varianti. Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, volume 27, pages 184-191, 2023. P. Paikens, A. Klints, I. Lokmane, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and L. Strankale. Latvian WordNet. 12th Global Wordnet Conference, Global Wordnet Association, pages 187-196, October 2023. E. Mukans and G. Barzdins. RIGA at SemEval-2023 Task 2: NER Enhanced with GPT-3. 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), ACL, pages 331-339, 2023. A. Rusins, K. Nesenbergs, D. Tiscenko, and P. Paikens. An Experimental Study: RF Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Devices. 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), 2023. K. Freivalds, E. Ozolins, and G. Barzdins. Discrete Denoising Diffusion Approach to Integer Factorization. Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning (ICANN), Springer, volume 14254, pages 123-134, 2023. M. Grasmanis, P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, L. Strankale, A. Znotins, and N. Gruzitis. Tēzaurs.lv – The Experience of Building a Multifunctional Lexical Resource. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex): Invisible Lexicography, pages 400-418, 2023. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, B. Valkovska, and N. Gruzitis. Language Report Latvian. European Language Equality, Springer, pages 171-174, 2023. B. Saulite, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, L. Rituma, V. Lasmanis, and N. Gruzitis. Latviešu valodas FrameNet korpuss. Letonica, volume 47, pages 284-296, 2022. I. Auzina, R. Dargis, B. Saulite, N. Gruzitis, M. Grasmanis, A. Spektors, and K. Stepanovs. Specializēta latviešu valodas runas korpusa un izrunas vārdnīcas izveide vizuālās diagnostikas izmeklējumu lingvistiskai analīzei un sistemātiskai transkribēšanai. Letonica, volume 47, pages 244-262, 2022. I. Auzina, R. Dargis, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, and K. Pokratniece. Valodas korpusu izmantošana latviešu valodas uzdevumu automātiskā ģenerēšanā. Letonica, volume 47, pages 264-282, 2022. I. Skadina, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, A. Vasiljevs, R. Skadins, and M. Pinnis. Latvian Language in the Digital Age: The Main Achievements in the Last Decade. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 10, issue 3, pages 490-503, 2022. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, and A. Voitkans. CLARIN valodas resursu un rīku pētniecības infrastruktūra humanitārajām un sociālajām zinātnēm. Letonica, volume 47, pages 312-327, 2022. L. Skestere and R. Dargis. Agenda-Setting Dynamics during COVID-19: Who Leads and Who Follows? Social Sciences, volume 11, issue 12, pages 556, 2022. P. Paikens, L. Rituma, and L. Pretkalnina. Towards Word Sense Disambiguation for Latvian. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 10, issue 3, pages 402-408, 2022. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, and K. Pokratniece. Corpus Based Self-Assessment Platform for Latvian Language Learners. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 10, issue 3, pages 392-401, 2022. B. Saulite, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, P. Paikens, A. Znotins, L. Strankale, K. Pokratniece, I. Poikans, G. Barzdins, I. Skadina, A. Baklane, V. Saulespurens, and J. Ziedins. Latvian National Corpora Collection – Korpuss.lv. 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 5123-5129, 2022. P. Paikens, M. Grasmanis, A. Klints, I. Lokmane, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and L. Strankale. Towards Latvian WordNet. 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 2808-2815, 2022. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, and K. Pokratniece. LaVA – Latvian Language Learner corpus. 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 727-731, 2022. L. Strankale and M. Stade. Automatic Word Sense Mapping from Princeton WordNet to Latvian WordNet. 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, volume 1, pages 478-485, 2022. E. Mukans, G. Strazds, and G. Barzdins. RIGA at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Scaling Recurrent Neural Networks for CODWOE Dictionary Modeling. 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), ACL, pages 82-87, July 2022. E. Andronova, A. Fridenberga, L. Pretkalnina, R. Silina-Pinke, E. Skruzmane, A. Trumpa, and P. Vanags. User-friendly Search Possibilities for Early Latvian Texts: Challenges Posed by Automatic Conversion. 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB), pages 168-176, 2022. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, E. Lasmanis, and A. Voitkans. CLARIN-LV: Many Steps till Operation. CLARIN Annual Conference, pages 9-13, 2022. N. Gruzitis, R. Dargis, V. Lasmanis, G. Garkaje, and D. Gosko. Adapting Automatic Speech Recognition to the Radiology Domain for a Less-Resourced Language: The Case of Latvian. Intelligent Sustainable Systems, Springer, volume 333, pages 267-276, 2022. A. Znotins, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, G. Barzdins, and D. Gosko. RUTA:MED – Dual Workflow Medical Speech Transcription Pipeline and Editor. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Springer, volume 13286, pages 209-214, June 2022. B. Blumbergs, E. Dobelis, P. Paikens, K. Nesenbergs, K. Solovjovs, and A. Rusins. WearSec: Towards Automated Security Evaluation of Wireless Wearable Devices. Secure IT Systems, Springer, volume 13700, pages 311-325, 2022. G. Barzdins, S. Miranda, and D. Gosko. D4.3 Intermediate platform with continuous massive stream learning NLP capabilities. SELMA Consortium, 2022. I. Lokmane and L. Rituma. Verba nozīmju nošķiršana: teorija un prakse. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 12, pages 142-162, 2021. K. Levane-Petrova. Ciešamās kārtas konstrukcijas "Skolēnu pārspriedumu korpusā". Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 12, pages 127-141, 2021. D. Gosko, A. Znotins, I. Skadina, N. Gruzitis, and G. Nespore-Berzkalne. Domain Expert Platform for Goal-Oriented Dialog Collection. 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL): System Demonstrations, ACL, pages 295-301, 2021. I. Lokmane, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and A. Klints. The Latvian WordNet and Word Sense Disambiguation: Challenges and Findings. 7th Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography (eLex), pages 232-246, 2021. A. Rozukalne, V. Kleinberga, and N. Gruzitis. COVID-19 News and Audience Aggressiveness: Analysis of News Content and Audience Reaction During the State of Emergency in Latvia (2020–2021). Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference, volume 2, pages 141-147, 2021. I. Auzina, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, K. Pokratniece, and R. Dargis. Latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusa (LaVA) izmantošana pētniecībā un mācību uzdevumu izstrādē. Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress, LiePA, pages 142-161, 2021. K. Levane-Petrova and K. Pokratniece. Skolēnu pārspriedumu korpusa izveide. Latviešu valodas apguve: XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress, LiePA, 2021. D. Dannells and N. Gruzitis. Computational Representation of FrameNet for Multilingual Natural Language Generation. The Swedish FrameNet++, John Benjamins, pages 281-302, 2021. I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, and G. Barzdins. Research and Innovation in Language Technology at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The Latvian Academy of Sciences Yearbook, Zinātne, pages 81-83, 2021. A. Ranta, K. Angelov, N. Gruzitis, and P. Kolachina. Abstract Syntax as Interlingua: Scaling up the Grammatical Framework from Controlled Languages to Robust Pipelines. Computational Linguistics, MIT Press, volume 46, issue 2, pages 425-486, 2020. I. Auzina, I. Kaija, and K. Levane-Petrova. Mērķhipotēžu izvirzīšana latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusā. Valoda: nozīme un forma, Latvijas Universitāte, volume 11, pages 7-26, 2020. I. Kaija and I. Auzina. Data collection for learner corpus of Latvian: copyright and personal data protection. Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, pages 41-47, 2020. A. Znotins and G. Barzdins. LVBERT: Transformer-Based Model for Latvian Language Understanding. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 111-115, 2020. I. Skadina and D. Gosko. Towards Hybrid Model for Human-Computer Interaction in Latvian. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 103-110, 2020. L. Strankale and P. Paikens. OCR Challenges for a Latvian Pronunciation Dictionary. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 199-206, 2020. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, and I. Kaija. Detailed Error Annotation for Morphologically Rich Languages: Latvian Use Case. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 241-244, 2020. R. Dargis, K. Levane-Petrova, and I. Poikans. Lessons Learned from Creating a Balanced Corpus from Online Data. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 127-134, 2020. R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, and K. Stepanovs. Creation of Language Resources for the Development of a Medical Speech Recognition System for Latvian. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 328, pages 135-141, 2020. P. Paikens, A. Znotins, and G. Barzdins. Human-in-the-Loop Conversation Agent for Customer Service. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Springer, volume 12089, pages 277-284, 2020. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, and I. Kaija. Quality Focused Approach to a Learner Corpus Development. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 392-396, 2020. R. Dargis, P. Paikens, N. Gruzitis, I. Auzina, and A. Akmane. Development and Evaluation of Speech Synthesis Corpora for Latvian. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pages 6633-6637, 2020. G. Barzdins, D. Gosko, K. Cerans, O. F. Barzdins, A. Znotins, P. F. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, M. Grasmanis, J. Barzdins, U. Lavrinovics, S. K. Mayer, I. Students, E. Celms, A. Sprogis, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and P. Paikens. Pini Language and PiniTree Ontology Editor: Annotation and Verbalisation for Atomised Journalism. Proceedings of the 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC): Posters and Demos, 2020. E. Andronova. Short Texts in the Corpus of Early Written Latvian. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN), pages 173-183, 2020. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, and A. Znotins. Clarin in Latvia: From the preparatory phase to the construction phase and operation. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN), pages 342-350, 2020. N. Gruzitis, R. Dargis, L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and B. Saulite. Deriving a PropBank Corpus from Parallel FrameNet and UD Corpora. Proceedings of the International FrameNet Workshop 2020: Towards a Global, Multilingual FrameNet, pages 63-69, 2020. I. Kaija. Jaunu burtu veidošana ar diakritiskajām zīmēm latviešu valodas kā svešvalodas apguvēju tekstos. Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva, LiePA, volume 16, pages 102-110, 2020. K. Levane-Petrova, I. Auzina, and K. Pokratniece. Latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusa datu ieguves un apstrādes metodoloģijas izstrāde. Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva, LiePA, volume 16, pages 299-309, 2020. K. Levane-Petrova. Līdzsvarotais mūsdienu latviešu valodas tekstu korpuss, tā nozīme gramatikas pētījumos. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 10, pages 131-146, 2019. K. Levane-Petrova. Ciešamās kārtas perfekta formas un to lietojums latviešu valodā. Baltistica, Vilnius University Press, volume 54, issue 1, pages 63-82, 2019. L. Rituma, B. Saulite, and G. Nespore-Berzkalne. Latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētā korpusa gramatikas modelis. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 10, pages 200-216, 2019. O. Urek, A. Vulane, R. Dargis, A. Taurina, T. Zirina, and H. G. Simonsen. Latvian CDI: methodology, developmental trends and cross-linguistic comparison. Journal of Baltic Studies, Routledge, volume 50, issue 3, pages 285-305, 2019. I. Auzina, R. Dargis, and K. Levane-Petrova. Latviešu valodas apguvēju kļūdu analīze: pareizrakstības kļūdas. Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, issue 23, pages 220-227, 2019. I. Skadina. Some Highlights of Human Language Technology in Baltic Countries. Databases and Information Systems X, IOS Press, volume 315, pages 18-30, 2019. U. Bojars, R. Dargis, U. Lavrinovics, and P. Paikens. LinkedSaeima: a Linked Open Dataset of Latvia's Parliamentary Debates. Proceedings of the 15th SEMANTiCS Conference, Springer, volume 11702, pages 50-56, 2019. P. Paikens, N. Gruzitis, L. Rituma, G. Nespore, V. Lipskis, L. Pretkalnina, and A. Spektors. Enriching an Explanatory Dictionary with FrameNet and PropBank Corpus Examples. Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography (eLex), pages 922-933, 2019. G. Barzdins, D. Gosko, P. F. Barzdins, U. Lavrinovics, G. Bernans, and E. Celms. RDF* Graph Database as Interlingua for the TextWorld Challenge. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 2019. I. Auzina, G. Klava, A. Lazareva, K. Levane-Petrova, B. Murniece-Buleva, S. Pavulena, and A. Semjonova. Latviešu valodas prasmes kvalitāte: valsts valodas prasmes pārbaudes kārtotāju rezultāti. Latviešu valodas aģentūra, 2019. K. Levane-Petrova. Passive constructions in Lithuanian and Latvian. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 9, pages 178-190, 2018. M. Rikters and I. Skadina. Combining machine translated sentence chunks from multiple MT systems. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. CICLing 2016, Springer, volume 9624, 2018. I. Skadina. Languages of Baltic Countries in Digital Age. Databases and Information Systems, Springer, volume 838, pages 32-40, 2018. A. Znotins and E. Cirule. NLP-PIPE: Latvian NLP Tool Pipeline. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 307, pages 183-189, 2018. G. Nespore-Berzkalne, B. Saulite, and N. Gruzitis. Latvian FrameNet: Cross-Lingual Issues. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 307, pages 96-103, 2018. L. Pretkalnina and P. Paikens. Extending Tēzaurs.lv Online Dictionary into a Morphological Lexicon. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 307, pages 120-125, 2018. R. Dargis and I. Auzina. Towards a Modern Text-to-Speech System for Latvian. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 307, pages 26-29, 2018. N. Gruzitis, L. Pretkalnina, B. Saulite, L. Rituma, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, A. Znotins, and P. Paikens. Creation of a Balanced State-of-the-Art Multilayer Corpus for NLU. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pages 4506-4513, 2018. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. The Use of Text Alignment in Semi-Automatic Error Analysis: Use Case in the Development of the Corpus of the Latvian Language Learners. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pages 4111-4115, 2018. I. Skadina. Looking for a Needle in a Haystack: Semi-automatic Creation of a Latvian Multi-word Dictionary from Small Monolingual Corpora. Proceedings of the 18th EURALEX International Congress, pages 255-265, 2018. S. Miranda, A. Znotins, S. B. Cohen, and G. Barzdins. Multilingual Clustering of Streaming News. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 4535-4544, 2018. R. Dargis, I. Auzina, U. Bojars, P. Paikens, and A. Znotins. Annotation of the Corpus of the Saeima with Multilingual Standards. Proceedings of the 2018 ParlaCLARIN Workshop, 2018. N. Gruzitis and A. Znotins. Multilayer Corpus and Toolchain for Full-Stack NLU in Latvian. Proceedings of the CLARIN Annual Conference 2018, pages 61-65, 2018. N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and B. Saulite. Creation of Latvian FrameNet based on Universal Dependencies. Proceedings of the International FrameNet Workshop (IFNW), pages 23-27, 2018. L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Deriving Enhanced Universal Dependencies from a Hybrid Dependency-Constituency Treebank. Text, Speech, and Dialogue, Springer, volume 11107, pages 95-105, 2018. L. Borin, D. Dannells, and N. Gruzitis. Linguistics vs. language technology in constructicon building and use. Constructicography. Constructicon development across languages, John Benjamins, pages 229-254, 2018. I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, and B. Saulite. Local meaning in the two-year-old and three-year-old children's speech. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 8, 2017. N. Gruzitis and D. Dannells. A multilingual FrameNet-based grammar and lexicon for Controlled Natural Language. Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer, volume 51, issue 1, 2017. G. Barzdins, R. Liepins, P. F. Barzdins, and D. Gosko. dBaby: Grounded Language Teaching through Games and Efficient Reinforcement Learning. NIPS 2017 Workshop on Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL), 2017. N. Gruzitis, D. Gosko, and G. Barzdins. RIGOTRIO at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Combining machine learning and grammar engineering for AMR parsing and generation. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), 2017. P. Paikens, G. Barzdins, A. Mendes, D. Ferreira, S. Broscheit, M. S. C. Almeida, S. Miranda, D. Nogueira, P. Balage, and A. F. T. Martins. SUMMA at TAC Knowledge Base Population Task 2016. Proceedings of the 9th Text Analysis Conference (TAC), 2017. B. Saulite. Determinants un situants latviešu valodā un to novietojums teikumā. RES LATVIENSES. IV. Semantika. Sintakse. Valodas kultūra. INTA FREIMANE. SCRIPTUM FESTIVUM, University of Latvia, pages 159-167, 2017. G. Nespore-Berzkalne. Trešās personas verbu saistāmība ar ģenitīvu: „Līdzsvarotā mūsdienu latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa” dati. RES LATVIENSES. IV. Semantika. Sintakse. Valodas kultūra. INTA FREIMANE. SCRIPTUM FESTIVUM, University of Latvia, pages 138-146, April 2017. B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Teikuma priekšmeta, izteicēja un papildinātāja novietojums teikumā un teikuma intonācija latviešu valodā. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 7, 2016. E. Andronova, R. Silina-Pinke, A. Trumpa, and P. Vanags. The Electronic Historical Latvian Dictionary based on the Corpus of Early Written Latvian Texts. Acta Baltico-Slavica, Polish Academy of Sciences, volume 40, 2016. I. Skadina. Multi-word expressions in English-Latvian machine translation. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 4, issue 4, 2016. K. Levane-Petrova. Izteicēja funkcijā lietoti lietuviešu valodas ciešamās kārtas pagātnes un tagadnes divdabji un to atbilsmes latviešu valodā. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 7, 2016. N. Gruzitis, D. Dannells, A. Ranta, and F. M. Tyers. Grammatical Framework for implementing multilingual frames and constructions. Book of Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG), 2016. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. FrameNet development for Latvian. Book of Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Construction Grammar. International FrameNet Workshop (IFNW), 2016. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. The role of CNL and AMR in scalable abstractive summarization for multilingual media monitoring. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 9767, 2016. R. Liepins, U. Bojars, N. Gruzitis, K. Cerans, and E. Celms. Towards self-explanatory ontology visualization with contextual verbalization. Databases and Information Systems, Springer, volume 615, 2016. R. Liepins, N. Gruzitis, K. Cerans, J. Ovcinnikova, U. Bojars, and E. Celms. Adding verbalization to graphical ontology editor OWLGrEd. Databases and Information Systems IX, IOS Press, volume 291, 2016. A. Znotins. Word embeddings for Latvian natural language processing tools. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. I. Auzina, K. Levane-Petrova, G. Rabante-Busa, R. Dargis, and A. Fabregas. Designing an annotated longitudinal Latvian children's speech corpus. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. I. Skadina. Multi-word expressions in English-Latvian SMT: Problems and solutions. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, D. Deksne, R. Skadins, A. Vasiljevs, M. Gailuna, and I. Portnaja. Filling the gaps in Latvian BLARK: Case of the Latvian IT Competence Centre. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Universal Dependency treebank for Latvian: A pilot. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. P. Paikens. Deep neural learning approaches for Latvian morphological tagging. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. R. Dargis, G. Rabante-Busa, I. Auzina, and S. Kruks. ParliSearch - A system for large text corpus discourse analysis. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 289, 2016. J. J. Camilleri, N. Gruzitis, and G. Schneider. Extracting formal models from normative texts. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Springer, volume 9612, 2016. H. Safwat, N. Gruzitis, B. Davis, and R. Enache. Extracting semantic knowledge from unstructured text using embedded controlled language. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 2016. A. Spektors, I. Auzina, R. Dargis, N. Gruzitis, P. Paikens, L. Pretkalnina, L. Rituma, and B. Saulite. Tezaurs.lv: the largest open lexical database for Latvian. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. G. Barzdins, S. Renals, and D. Gosko. Character-level neural translation for multilingual media monitoring in the SUMMA project. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. M. Pinnis, A. Salimbajevs, and I. Auzina. Designing a speech corpus for the development and evaluation of dictation systems in Latvian. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. M. Rikters and I. Skadina. Syntax-based multi-system machine translation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016. G. Barzdins and D. Gosko. RIGA at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Impact of Smatch extensions and character-level neural translation on AMR parsing accuracy. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), 2016. U. Bojars, R. Liepins, N. Gruzitis, K. Cerans, and E. Celms. Extending OWL ontology visualizations with interactive contextual verbalization. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA), 2016. A. Znotins, K. Polis, and R. Dargis. Media monitoring system for Latvian radio and TV broadcasts. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), 2015. H. Safwat, N. Gruzitis, R. Enache, and B. Davis. Embedded controlled languages to facilitate information extraction from eGov policies. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS), 2015. G. Barzdins, P. Paikens, and D. Gosko. Riga: from FrameNet to semantic frames with C6.0 rules. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), 2015. N. Gruzitis, D. Dannells, B. Lyngfelt, and A. Ranta. Formalising the Swedish constructicon in Grammatical Framework. Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF), 2015. K. Cerans, R. Liepins, A. Sprogis, J. Ovcinnikova, and G. Barzdins. Domain-specific OWL ontology visualization with OWLGrEd. The Semantic Web: ESWC 2012 Satellite Events, Springer, volume 7540, 2015. B. Saulite, G. Nespore-Berzkalne, and I. Auzina. Latviešu valodas verbu valences marķēšanā izmantojamās semantiskās lomas. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, issue 4, pages 136-145, 2014. I. Auzina and G. Rabante-Busa. Qualitative and quantitative vowel reduction and deletion in the spoken Latvian. Linguistica Lettica, University of Latvia, volume 22, 2014. K. Cerans, G. Barzdins, G. Bumans, J. Ovcinnikova, S. Rikacovs, A. Romane, and M. Zviedris. A relational database semantic re-engineering technology and tools. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, volume 2, issue 3, 2014. L. Rituma. Salīdzināto reāliju līdzība vai atšķirība kā salīdzinājuma konstrukcijas nozīmes pamats. Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, volume 1, issue 18, pages 223-234, 2014. D. Dannells and N. Gruzitis. Controlled natural language generation from a multilingual FrameNet-based grammar. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 8625, 2014. G. Barzdins. FrameNet CNL: a knowledge representation and information extraction language. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 8625, 2014. A. Znotins. Coreference resolution in Latvian. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. D. Gosko and G. Barzdins. Adding Constructicon to the Latvian FrameNet. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. G. Garkaje, E. Zilgalve, and R. Dargis. Normalization and automatized sentiment analysis of contemporary online Latvian Language. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. I. Auzina, M. Pinnis, and R. Dargis. Comparison of rule-based and statistical methods for grapheme to phoneme modelling. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, G. Barzdins, R. Skadins, and A. Vasiljevs. Language resources and technology in Latvia (2010-2014). Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. L. Pretkalnina and L. Rituma. Constructions in Latvian Treebank: the impact of annotation decisions on the dependency parsing performance. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. P. Paikens. Latvian newswire information extraction system and entity knowledge base. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. R. Dargis and A. Znotins. Baseline for keyword spotting in Latvian broadcast speech. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 268, 2014. I. Opmane, L. Truksans, G. Barzdins, A. Heidens, R. Balodis, and P. Merzlyakov. ZERO: an efficient Ethernet-over-IP tunneling protocol. Inter-cooperative Collective Intelligence: Techniques and Applications, Springer, volume 495, 2014. A. Znotins and P. Paikens. Coreference resolution for Latvian. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. D. Dannells and N. Gruzitis. Extracting a bilingual semantic grammar from FrameNet-annotated corpora. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. G. Barzdins, D. Gosko, L. Rituma, and P. Paikens. Using C5.0 and exhaustive search for boosting frame-semantic parsing accuracy. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. L. Pretkalnina, A. Znotins, L. Rituma, and D. Gosko. Dependency parsing representation effects on the accuracy of semantic applications - an example of an inflective language. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. M. Pinnis, I. Auzina, and K. Goba. Designing the Latvian speech recognition corpus. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014. M. Zviedris, A. Romane, G. Barzdins, and K. Cerans. Ontology-based information system. Semantic Technology, Springer, volume 8388, 2014. E. Rimkutė, A. Utka, and K. Levane-Petrova. Lietuvių–latvių ir latvių–lietuvių kalbų lygiagretusis tekstynas LILA. Studies about Languages, Kaunas University of Technology, issue 23, pages 70-77, 2013. G. Nespore-Berzkalne and B. Saulite. Latviešu valodas verbu valences marķēšana. University of Latvia, issue 3, pages 97-106, 2013. L. Rituma. Salīdzinājuma konstrukcijas daudzuma izteikšanai ar adverbiem "vairāk" un "mazāk". Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti, LiePA, volume 1, issue 17, pages 196-205, 2013. L. Pretkalnina and L. Rituma. Statistical syntactic parsing for Latvian. Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2013. P. Paikens, L. Rituma, and L. Pretkalnina. Morphological analysis with limited resources: Latvian example. Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2013. I. Auzina, I. Brenke, J. Grigorjevs, I. Indricane, B. Ivulane, A. Kalnaca, L. Lauze, I. Lokmane, D. Markus, D. Nitina, G. Smiltniece, B. Valkovska, and A. Vulane. Latviešu valodas gramatika. LU Latviešu valodas institūts, 2013. B. Saulite and G. Nespore. Patstāvīgās vārdšķiras formālā latviešu valodas analīzē. Baltistica, Vilnius University, volume 8, 2012. I. Skadina, M. Virza, and L. Pretkalnina. Angļu-latviešu statistiskās mašīntulkošanas sistēmas izveide: metodes, resursi un pirmie rezultāti. Baltistica, Vilnius University, volume 8, 2012. K. Levane-Petrova. Līdzsvarots mūsdienu latviešu valodas tekstu korpuss un tā tekstu atlases kritēriji. Baltistica, Vilnius University, volume 8, 2012. N. Gruzitis, P. Paikens, and G. Barzdins. FrameNet resource grammar library for GF. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 7427, 2012. A. Utka, K. Levane-Petrova, A. Bielinskiene, J. Kovalevskaite, E. Rimkute, and D. Vevere. Lithuanian-Latvian-Lithuanian parallel corpus. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012. G. Nespore, B. Saulite, N. Gruzitis, and G. Garkaje. Towards a Latvian valency lexicon. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012. I. Skadina, K. Levane-Petrova, and G. Rabante. Linguistically motivated evaluation of English-Latvian statistical machine translation. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012. L. Pretkalnina and L. Rituma. Syntactic issues identified developing the Latvian treebank. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012. P. Paikens, I. Auzina, G. Garkaje, and M. Paegle. Towards named entity annotation of Latvian National Library corpus. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 247, 2012. P. Paikens and N. Gruzitis. An implementation of a Latvian resource grammar in Grammatical Framework. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2012. L. Pretkalnina, P. Paikens, N. Gruzitis, L. Rituma, and A. Spektors. Making historical Latvian texts more intelligible to contemporary readers. Proceedings of the LREC Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and Tools for Processing Cultural Heritage Objects, pages 29-35, 2012. K. Cerans, G. Barzdins, R. Liepins, J. Ovcinnikova, S. Rikacovs, and A. Sprogis. Graphical schema editing for StarDog OWL/RDF databases using OWLGrEd/S. Proceedings of the Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), 2012. E. Andronova and A. Andronovs. Latviešu valodas korpuss un tā izmantošana. Valodas prakse: vērojumi un ieteikumi, issue 6, pages 41--57, 2011. L. Truksans, E. Znots, and G. Barzdins. File Transfer Protocol performance study for EUMETSAT meteorological data distribution. Acta Universitatis Latviensis: Computer Science and Information Technologies, University of Latvia, volume 770, 2011. L. Pretkalnina, G. Nespore, K. Levane-Petrova, and B. Saulite. Towards a Latvian Treebank. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Linguistica de Corpus, 2011. G. Barzdins. When FrameNet meets a controlled natural language. Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2011. L. Pretkalnina, G. Nespore, K. Levane-Petrova, and B. Saulite. A Prague Markup Language profile for the SemTi-Kamols grammar model. Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2011. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. Towards a more natural multilingual controlled language interface to OWL. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS), 2011. M. Zviedris and G. Barzdins. ViziQuer: a tool to explore and query SPARQL endpoints. The Semanic Web: Research and Applications, Springer, volume 6644, 2011. A. Wyner, K. Angelov, G. Barzdins, D. Damljanovic, B. Davis, N. Fuchs, S. Hoefler, K. Jones, K. Kaljurand, T. Kuhn, M. Luts, J. Pool, M. Rosner, R. Schwitter, and J. Sowa. On controlled natural languages: properties and prospects. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 5972, 2010. N. Gruzitis and G. Barzdins. Polysemy in controlled natural language texts. Controlled Natural Language, Springer, volume 5972, 2010. G. Nespore, B. Saulite, G. Barzdins, and N. Gruzitis. Comparison of the SemTi-Kamols and Tesniere's dependency grammars. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. I. Auzina. Towards spoken Latvian corpus: current situation, methodology and development. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. I. Skadina, I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, K. Levane-Petrova, G. Nespore, R. Skadins, and A. Vasiljevs. Language resources and technology for the humanities in Latvia (2004-2010). Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. L. Pretkalnina and I. Millere. Adaptive automatic mark-up tool for legacy dictionaries. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. M. Khalilov, L. Pretkalnina, N. Kuvaldina, and V. Pereseina. SMT of Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian languages: a comparative study. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. M. Pinnis and I. Auzina. Latvian text-to-speech synthesizer. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, and B. Saulite. Verbalizing ontologies in controlled Baltic languages. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective, IOS Press, volume 219, 2010. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, K. Cerans, R. Liepins, and A. Sprogis. UML style graphical notation and editor for OWL 2. Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, Springer, volume 64, 2010. M. Khalilov, J. A. R. Fonollosa, I. Skadina, E. Bralitis, and L. Pretkalnina. English-Latvian SMT: the challenge of translating into a free word order language. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages, 2010. M. Khalilov, J. A. R. Fonollosa, I. Skadina, E. Bralitis, and L. Pretkalnina. Towards improving English-Latvian translation: a system comparison and a new rescoring feature. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2010. M. Vilkelis, J. Grundspenkis, and N. Gruzitis. Natural language based concept map building. Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning and the Knowledge Society, 2010. N. Gruzitis. Word order based analysis of given and new information in controlled synthetic languages. Proceedings of the WWW Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web (MSW), 2010. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, K. Cerans, R. Liepins, and A. Sprogis. OWLGrEd: a UML style graphical notation and editor for OWL 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), 2010. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, K. Cerans, R. Liepins, and A. Sprogis. OWLGrEd: a UML style graphical editor for OWL. Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology Repositories and Editors for the Semantic Web, 2010. G. Barzdins, S. Rikacovs, M. Veilande, and M. Zviedris. Ontological re-engineering of medical databases. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences, volume 63, issue 45, 2009. I. Skadiņa. CLARIN in Latvia: current situation and future perspectives. Nordic Perspectives on the CLARIN Infrastructure of Common Language Resources, pages 33, 2009. G. Barzdins, E. Liepins, M. Veilande, and M. Zviedris. Ontology enabled graphical database query tool for end-users. Databases and Information Systems V, IOS Press, volume 187, 2009. G. Barzdins, S. Rikacovs, and M. Zviedris. Graphical query language as SPARQL frontend. Proceedings of the 13th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), 2009. I. Skadiņa and E. Brālītis. English-Latvian SMT: knowledge or data? Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2009), pages 242, 2009. G. Barzdins, J. Barzdins, and K. Cerans. From Databases to Ontologies. Database Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, 2009. G. Barzdins, J. Barzdins, and K. Cerans. From Databases to Ontologies. Semantic Web Engineering in the Knowledge Society, IGI Global, 2009. P. Vanags, E. Andronova, R. Silina-Pinke, and A. Trumpa. Latviešvalodas vēsturiskās vārdnīcas (16.-18. gs.) projekts: pirmā posma rezultāti un turpmākie uzdevumi. Letonikas otrais kongress. Valodniecības raksti - 1, pages 74, 2008. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Multidimensional ontologies: integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics. Proceedings of the 13th EURALEX International Congress, 2008. I. Skadina and E. Bralitis. Experimental statistical machine translation system for Latvian. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on HLT, pages 281--286, 2008. G. Barzdins, E. Liepins, M. Veilande, and M. Zviedris. Semantic Latvia approach in the medical domain. Proceedings of the 8th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS), 2008. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, and B. Saulite. Dependency-based hybrid model of syntactic analysis for the languages with a rather free word order. Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA), 2007. G. Barzdins and M. Barinskis. The minimal finite model visualization as an ontology debugging tool. Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL), 2007. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, G. Nespore, B. Saulite, I. Auzina, and K. Levane-Petrova. Ontological word sense disambiguation for discourse representation. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Baltic HLT), 2007. J. Dzerins and K. Dzonsons. Harvesting national language text corpora from the Web. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Baltic HLT), 2007. P. Paikens. Lexicon-based morphological analysis of Latvian language. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Baltic HLT), 2007. E. Andronova. The Corpus of Early Written Latvian: Current state and future tasks. Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL), University of Birmingham, UK, 2007. M. Barinskis and G. Barzdins. Satisfiability model visualization plugin for deep consistency checking of OWL ontologies. Proceedings of the Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), 2007. I. Skadiņa. Studies of English-Latvian legal texts for Machine Translation. Meaningful Texts: The Extraction of Semantic Information from Monolingual and Multilingual Corpora, A\&C Black, pages 188, 2006. G. Nespore, N. Gruzitis, E. Andronova, and A. Spektors. K. Mīlenbaha un J. Endzelīna Latviešu valodas vārdnīcas pilnveidota elektroniskā versija. Letonikas pirmais kongress. Valodniecības raksti, Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, pages 241-249, 2006. J. Barzdins, G. Barzdins, R. Balodis, K. Cerans, A. Kalnins, M. Opmanis, and K. Podnieks. Towards semantic Latvia. Communications of the 7th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS), 2006. G. Barzdins, N. Gruzitis, and R. Kudins. Re-engineering OntoSem ontology towards OWL DL compliance. Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, IOS Press, volume 140, 2006. E. Andronova, A. Trumpa, and P. Vanags. Latviešu valodas vēsturiskās vārdnīcas (16.-18. gs.) projekts: iestrādes un problēmas. Letonikas pirmais kongress. Valodniecības raksti, Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, pages 9-17, 2006. I. Skadiņa. Machine Translation for Latvian. Proceedings of First Baltic Conference „Human Language Technologies--the Baltic Perspective, pages 102--106, 2004. I. Auzina. Latvian Text-to-Speech System. Proceedings of the first Baltic conference ‘Human Language Technologies—the Baltic Perspective, pages 21--26, 2004. E. Milconoka, N. Grūzītis, and A. Spektors. Natural language processing at the Institute of mathematics and computer science: 10 years later. Proceedings of the first Baltic conference" Human Language Technologies-the Baltic Perspective, pages 6, 2004. E. Milconoka. Latvie{s}u valodas 17. gadsimta teksti internetā. Baltu filoloģija, volume 12, issue 1, pages 139, 2003. I. Auziņa. Segmentu izvēle runas sintēzei. LETTICA, pages 61, 2003. E. Milčonoka. G. Manceļa valodas izpētes problēma. Daugavpils Universitātes Zinātnisko rakstu krājums, Saule, Daugavpils Universitāte, volume 8, pages 76-82, 2003. A. Spektors. Latviešu valodas datorfonda izveide. 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