I. Lokmane and L. Rituma. Verba nozīmju nošķiršana: teorija un prakse. Language: Meaning and Form, University of Latvia, volume 12, pages 142-162, 2021. K. Levane-Petrova. Ciešamās kārtas konstrukcijas „Skolēnu pārspriedumu korpusā”. Valoda: nozīme un forma, University of Latvia, volume 12, pages 127-141, 2021. A. Rozukalne, V. Kleinberga, and N. Gruzitis. COVID-19 News and Audience Aggressiveness: Analysis of News Content and Audience Reaction During the State of Emergency in Latvia (2020–2021). Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference, volume 2, pages 141-147, 2021. I. Auzina, I. Kaija, K. Levane-Petrova, K. Pokratniece, and R. Dargis. Latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusa (LaVA) izmantošana pētniecībā un mācību uzdevumu izstrādē. Latviešu valodas apguve. XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress, LiePA, pages 142-161, 2021. K. Levane-Petrova and K. Pokratniece. Skolēnu pārspriedumu korpusa izveide. Latviešu valodas apguve: XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress, LiePA, 2021. D. Gosko, A. Znotins, I. Skadina, N. Gruzitis, and G. Nespore-Berzkalne. Domain Expert Platform for Goal-Oriented Dialog Collection. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL): System Demonstrations, pages 295-301, 2021. I. Lokmane, L. Rituma, M. Stade, and A. Klints. The Latvian WordNet and Word Sense Disambiguation: Challenges and Findings. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography (eLex), pages 232-246, 2021. D. Dannells and N. Gruzitis. Computational representation of FrameNet for multilingual natural language generation. The Swedish FrameNet++, John Benjamins, pages 281-302, 2021. I. Auzina, N. Gruzitis, and G. Barzdins. Research and Innovation in Language Technology at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The Latvian Academy of Sciences Yearbook, Zinātne, pages 81-83, 2021.